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Favicon – Do you need one?

A favicon is the icon that shows in the navigation bar next to your website’s title.

These icons help the user know which tab in their browser belongs to your site and helps them return to it after they have switched tabs away. Most, but not all, large companies have a favicon because it helps maintain a consistent company image and it goes a long way to show that you know what you’re doing.

A few tips on installing a favicon:

Most browsers will default to using a file called favicon.ico that is located in your websites root public_html directory. You can also specify a specific file to use as the favicon for a page by adding:

<link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”” >

to the <head> portion of your page.

Faviconr is an easy to use online resource for generating .ico files. is another great tool.

FavIcon Creation and Installation – $45

Contact us for details